A few reminders for this week Feb. 27 to Mar. 5, 2023


Jesus answered him, ‘Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. (John 14:23) Everything we know about Jesus indicates that he was concerned with only one thing: to do the will of his Father. The center of his life is this obedient relationship with the Father. This may be hard for us to understand because the word obedience has so many negative connotations in our society. It makes us think of authority figures who impose their wills against our desires. It makes us remember unhappy childhood events or hard tasks performed under threats of punishment. But none of this applies to Jesus’ obedience. His obedience means a total, fearless listening to his loving Father. Between the Father and the Son there is only love. (Lent reflection by Henri Nouwen)



Central United Church welcomes you to our Worship Service Sunday morning at 10:00 am and we would love to have you join us. We rejoice that we can worship together and give thanks, offering prayer and lifting our voices in song.

Sunday services are livestreamed at 10:00 am through the Church website. To watch live or view a recording later, go to the Church website, scroll down and click on Central United’s Live Stream Page or click here. A copy of the bulletin for this Sunday’s Service is attached here.

This Sunday’s Scripture readings are Genesis 12:1-4a; Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 and John 3:1-17. You can also find a daily scripture message at the top of our website.


Did you know that it will cost almost $900 per day to keep Central United operating in 2023? With inflation running over 11% the last two years, we have seen a significant rise in our expenses. 


To achieve a balanced budget in 2023, Church Council is asking all donors to increase donations by at least 5% this year.  


For our many PAR donors, you can simply advise Sally Sandiford at sally_sandiford@hotmail.com (preferred) or by phone at #416-451-2970 of the desired increase and she will process it quickly and confidentially. She has already received a number of requests.  


Thank you for your continuing support to provide the Central United the facilities, services and programs needed to support us in our spiritual needs.”


Talking with God: A Lenten Study on Prayer

Our five week study continues this Tuesday at 7:00 pm.

If you are attending at the church, please join us at 6:30 pm for some social time.

If you are attending online, please sign in at 6:45 pm by going to the church website’s homepage and clicking on the big lavender button. Click here for the website homepage.

We look forward to joining together in study and fellowship!


The Outreach Committee have chosen “Ontario Christian Gleaners” as the 2023 Lenten Project. ’Ontario Christian Gleaners is an interdenominational Christian organization that seeks to visibly demonstrate God’s love by working with volunteers to collect, process and make available surplus agricultural produce for the relief of the hungry in overseas nations.’

Financial donations will be accepted throughout the season of Lent up to and including Easter Sunday. If you wish to donate, you can either drop off your donations at the Church or mail them to the church. Cheques should be payable to the Central United Church. Coin is also accepted – just drop it down the “pipe” set up in the narthex.



Please come and join the Thursday prayer meeting tonight at 7:00 pm. After the prayer time we have some time for fellowship to allow us to catch up with each other a little. The meeting is held using the Zoom technology. Please join 10 minutes before the 7:00 PM start time.

Here are the details for those that wish to participate:

Access to Join Zoom Meeting from your PC, Tablet or Smartphone

  1. Copy this address into your web browser https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8925458525 or click here
  2. If you are joining with the Zoom App the Meeting ID is: 892 545 8525 (Note that you can also download the Zoom Application and use the Meeting ID to join)


Quick access by phone:

  1. Call: 647 374-4685
  2. When prompted press: 892 545 8525 #
  3. Then when prompted again press: # to enter the call


Donations for the work of Central United Church can be made online.

  • You can donate to Central United by clicking here:
  • You can continue to specify how you want your donation to be allocated by either selecting the appropriate category on the website or by typing in your choice in the MESSAGE box.
  • Donation receipts will be issued directly by Canada Helps, so there is no need to include your envelope number.
  • If you have any questions, email finance@centralunitedchurch.com.

In addition to the online donation option, your church offerings can also be mailed to the church.


Should you become aware of any illness, bereavement, hospitalization, etc., among people of our church, please notify the church office as soon as possible.

If you would like a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Clubine at the church office 905.474.0183 or mobile office 416.358.4924 or by email jclubine@centralunitedchurch.com.



If you are interested in reading ahead a little, below are the readings for next week.

March 12th, 2023

Exodus 17:1-7

Psalm 95

Romans 5:1-11

John 4:5-42