A few reminders for this week July 3 to July 9, 2023


Look, your king comes to you. (Zechariah 9:9) I recognize that the message ‘your king comes to you’ is not readily embraced as a hopeful message in our world. I have found, and I am not alone in this, that it is more important to know whose I am than who I am. In a world where the emphasis is on the individual and nothing rises above the self in importance, the question of identity—who I am—becomes paramount. In accepting our world’s message we buy into assumptions that are often unexamined. The unexamined belief is the conviction that ‘I belong to me;’ ‘That I am my own sovereign.’ It is an answer to the more fundamental question, whose am I? ‘Me,’ is the answer our world instructs us to give. The Christian’s answer is that I am not my own, but belong—body and soul, in life and in death—to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ. How we answer the question of whose I am determines much about the trajectory of life.


Central United Church welcomes you to join our Worship Service Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. In worship we proclaim our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour; God’s word is read and preached, sacraments celebrated, faith sung and prayers offered.

Sunday services are also livestreamed (and recorded) through the Church website or you can join here. A copy of the bulletin for this Sunday’s Service is attached here. This Sunday we will be celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion.


This Sunday’s Scripture readings are Zechariah 9:9-12; Romans 7:15-25a and Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30. You can also find a daily scripture message at the top of our website.


April 1 – 15, 2024

Rev. Clubine is very excited to be hosting this tour of the Holy Land — the cradle of Christianity. It is an unforgettable journey. The opportunity to walk in the footsteps of our faith ancestors adds another dimension to your understanding of scripture and will profoundly affect your spiritual life. Please join him on this special pilgrimage. For more information you can find a brochure here or contact Rev. Clubine at jclubine@centralunitedchurch.com or call #416-358-4924 .

Information nights are scheduled for Wed. August 16th and Wed. Sept. 13th at 7:00 pm at Central United.



With Lemonade on the Lawn in full swing we’re looking for a few more volunteers to assist with set up, pouring and clean up each week through to the end of August. Sign up sheets are located on the bulletin board outside the Friendship room in the Narthex. Thank you for supporting this outdoor fellowship following worship services.


Please check your calendars and commit to a week or two that will work for you! If you have any questions you may contact Kathy Hoy by email at kathyhoy5@gmail.com. Your service to the church will be appreciated by all!



Please come and join the Thursday prayer meeting tonight at 7:00 PM. After the prayer time we have some time for fellowship to allow us to catch up with each other a little. The meeting is held using the Zoom technology. Please join 10 minutes before the 7:00 PM start time.

Here are the details for those that wish to participate:

Access to Join Zoom Meeting from your PC, Tablet or Smartphone

  1. Copy this address into your web browser https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8925458525 or click here
  2. If you are joining with the Zoom App the Meeting ID is: 892 545 8525 (Note that you can also download the Zoom Application and use the Meeting ID to join)


Quick access by phone:

  1. Call: 647 374-4685
  2. When prompted press: 892 545 8525 #
  3. Then when prompted again press: # to enter the call


Donations to support Central United’s Mission can be made in the following ways:


·        PAR – the easiest and least costly option – your recurring donation is automatically made each month – no cheques, no cash, no forgetting. See Sharlene in the Church Office for the PAR sign-up form.


·        INTERAC e-Transfer – our new and cost effective option. Simply e-Transfer your donation to finance@centralunitedchurch.com from your bank account. Note your Name and Fund allocation (ie: Local, Capital etc.) in the Message field.


·        Canada Helps – via the “Donate Now” button on our website (click here). Note the Fund allocation via the “Fund drop down field” or “Message” field. Note: Donation receipts are issued directly by Canada Helps. This is the MOST expensive option for the Church. PAR or INTERAC e-Transfer are preferred.


·        Traditional Way – at Sunday Services, drop-off or mail to CUC.


If you have any questions, email finance@centralunitedchurch.com.


It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Karen Hauth, a long standing member of Central United Church. Karen was known for her kindness, compassion, loyalty and generosity and will be deeply missed by all of her family and friends.

A private celebration of life will be held at a future date.

We are grateful for our Saviour’s promise to welcome Karen home with Him. Please remember Karen and the members of her family in your prayers.

Link to Obituary Notice


Should you become aware of any illness, bereavement, hospitalization, etc., among people of our church, please notify the church office as soon as possible.

If you would like a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Clubine at the church office 905.474.0183 or mobile office 416.358.4924 or by email jclubine@centralunitedchurch.com.


We want to help you stay connected so if you happen to be wondering “who’s doing what” in terms of duties, the list for this week is below….

July 9th, 2023


POWER POINT: Alan Heighway

GREETER: Wilma Inkpen



SUNDAY SCHOOL: Sharon Gayman Laird



If you are interested in reading ahead a little, below are the readings for next week.

July 16th, 2023

Isaiah 55:10-13

Psalm 65:9-13

Romans 8:1-11

Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23