A few reminders for this week June 29 – July 5, 2020

In a publication by the Canadian Bible Society, Tracings of the Canadian Soul: Scriptures Set In Parliamentary Stone, the story is told of how faith helped shape our country. In late 1866, the Fathers of Confederation met in London, England and negotiated details of Canada’s creation.  Some wanted to name the new country the “Kingdom of Canada.” Tradition tells us that New Brunswick representative Sir Leonard Tilley was struck by a scripture verse in his own morning reading.  “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea.” (Psalm 72:8).  He proposed it to the assembly, the group adopted “Dominion” as a fitting way to describe what they were creating. Five decades later, the East window of the peace tower was decorated with the same scripture verse.  Let our prayers for Canada be guided by this well chosen scripture verse.
July 2nd, 2020 at 6:30 pm
We will be livestreaming the wedding of Benjamin Christy and Farran Holmes, daughter of Nancy and Randy Holmes on the church website at 6:30 pm on July 2nd for anyone interested in viewing this joyous occasion.
July 2nd, 2020 at 7:30 pm
A reminder that you are invited to join in the Thursday Prayer Meeting followed by a Time of Fellowship at 7:30 PM. The time has been pushed to 7:30 this week only to accommodate the Christy/Holmes wedding. After the prayer time we have some time for fellowship to allow us to catch up with each other a little. The meeting is held using the Zoom technology. Please join 10 minutes before the 7:30 PM start time.
Here are the details for those that wish to participate:
Access to Join Zoom Meeting from your PC, Tablet or Smartphone
  1. Copy this address into your web browser https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8925458525 or click here
  2. If you are joining with the Zoom App the Meeting ID is: 892 545 8525 (Note that you can also download the Zoom Application and use the Meeting ID to join)
Quick access by phone:
  1. Call: 647 374-4685
  2. When prompted press: 892 545 8525 #
  3. Then when prompted again press: # to enter the call
July 5th, 2020
Central United Church has resumed it’s in person Worship Services. In this first phase of reopening our church for worship we are able to welcome people in the church building limited to 30% or our seating capacity and subject to social distancing and health guidelines.
We ask that you continue to enjoy the livestreaming of our worship service online in the comfort of your home if any of the following apply to you:
  • If you are not feeling well
  • If you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid 19
  • If you have any pre-existing health concerns in relation to Covid 19
  • If you are not yet comfortable with the thought of getting together in a group setting
For those of you who choose to attend, we look forward to being together. Please expect the following:
  • Expect to enter and exit only through the front door.
  • Expect to wear a mask during your time inside the church building. Please bring your own.
  • Expect to be directed to a seat. We need to fill and empty the church in an organized manner to maintain physical distancing. Only family members and/or members of your agreed upon “social circle” will be allowed to sit together without the constraints of physical distancing.
  • Expect that there will be no congregational singing.
  • Expect to take your jacket, purse, and personal items with you to your seat as we want to avoid a pile-up at the coat rack.
  • Expect to arrive early for two reasons.
  1. The live stream starts at 9:45 and we ask there to be minimal noise in the sanctuary at that point.
  2. It will take longer than usual to seat people.
  • Expect there will be no children’s church at this time and the nursery room will be closed.
  •  Expect that you will be asked to maintain appropriate physical distancing while on the church property.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we endeavor to work together to make our worship both safe and meaningful during this unusual time.
This Sunday’s service will be available to watch via live streaming at 10:00 am and is recorded for later viewing, through the Church website. To watch live or view a recording later, go to the Church website, scroll down and click on Central United’s Live Stream Page or click here. A copy of the bulletin for this Sunday’s Service is attached here. We suggest, for joining the live stream, that you tune in early. You are encouraged to have your bible handy and please note that the text of this Sunday’s Sermon will be available on our Church website prior to Service time. This Sunday’s Scripture readings are Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67, Romans 7:15-25a and Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30. You can also find a daily scripture message at the top of our website.
Please join us each week and spread this good word. Share our streaming information with family and friends, and via your extended social network, hopefully, more and more people will hear about our live stream services and join in each week.
Donations for the work of Central United Church can be made online.
  • You can donate to Central United by clicking here:
  • You can continue to specify how you want your donation to be allocated by either selecting the appropriate category on the website or by typing in your choice in the MESSAGE box.
  • Donation receipts will be issued directly by Canada Helps, so there is no need to include your envelope number.
  • If you have any questions, email finance@centralunitedchurch.com.
In addition to the online donation option, your church offerings can also be mailed to the church.
Copies of both the large and small print Upper Room editions are available for July/August 2020. If you would like to receive a copy please let either Sharlene Wilson-Bennett (admin@centralunitedchurch.com) or Sharon Gayman Laird (sharon@centralunitedchurch.com) know via email and they will be happy to get them to you. Please include your address and choice of large or small print.
Should you become aware of any illness, bereavement, hospitalization, etc., among people of our church, please notify the church office as soon as possible.
During this time of limitations to in-person visits, Rev. Dr. James Clubine is available for a telephone or video conference pastoral ‘visit’ and prayer. If you would like to book a visit, please contact Rev. Clubine at the church office 905.474.0183×228 or mobile office 416.358.4924 or by email jclubine@centralunitedchurh.com.

If you are interested in reading ahead a little, below are the readings for next week…..
July 12th 2020
Genesis 25:19-34
Psalm 119:105-112
Romans 8:1-11
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23