Mark Your Calendars... INFECTION PRECAUTIONS AT SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES AND OTHER CHURCH ACTIVITIES As a precaution to prevent the possible spread of infection, and to address concerns that people may have, we are asking that, for the present time, people please refrain from shaking hands or exchanging hugs at the Sunday Worship Services. The time of "Passing of the Peace" will be modified accordingly. The procedures for Communion will also be modified as required to address potential concerns. Coffee hour after the worship service will continue for those that choose to participate. If you have any questions with this please contact Trevlyn Ganes ( or Doug Stirling ( ROAST BEEF DINNER & SILENT AUCTION This event planned for April 25th has been cancelled. Later in the year it will be determined whether to hold the event in the Fall. For those that have purchased tickets, refunds will be available. MOVIE NIGHT Movie Night is tonight, Friday March 13th @ 7:30 pm - “Overcomer,” a Christian movie asking “what will you allow to define you?” will be shown at Central United, as part of radio station LIFE 100.3‘s movie tour. Please extend this news with your friends and invite them too! UCW PIE SALE If you pre-ordered pies made by the UCW, they will be available for pick-up this Sunday, March 15th after Worship service. The cost per pie is $12.00. EASTER FLOWERS Thanks to the efforts of the Decorating Committee and volunteers, Easter baskets will be delivered again this year to our shut-ins during Holy Week. Donations in support of this project are appreciated. Please mark an envelope "FLOWERS" with your name and if donating in memory of a loved one, their name as well. Please place the envelope on the offering plate by Palm Sunday (April 5th). Dedications will be put in the announcements on Easter Sunday. Envelopes are available on the table outside the sanctuary. If you are able to help with the delivery of these baskets please contact Maureen Dudley at or #905-474-0092. LENTEN STUDY - "TALKING WITH GOD" Week 3 - Wednesday, March 18, 2020 Light Dinner: 6:00 pm / Study: 7:00 - 8:15 pm The study for week 3 on RightNow Media is "How to Pray the Lord's Prayer", Video 1 through 4 by Joe Boyd. You can find these video's once you have logged on to RightNow Media and navigate to "Libraries" where you will search for Central United Church. Listed under Central United Church you will find "Central United Church Lenten Study 2020" and within that you will find 1) How to Pray the Lords Prayer by Joe Boyd, 2) Talking with God by Adam Weber and 3) How to Talk to God by Ed Young. For this week's study you will click on "How to Pray the Lord's Prayer" and then choose Video's (Sessions) 1 through 4. If you have yet to enroll in the RightNow Media service, just send Sharlene an email at with RightNow Media in the subject line and she will set you up. LENTEN OUTREACH PROJECT 2020 During the season of Lent, our congregation traditionally supports a particular outreach project and has been very generous in their support. This year’s project is “The Yellow Brick House”. The Yellow Brick House provides a safe and secure place for women and children escaping domestic violence in York Region. Financial donations will be accepted throughout the season of Lent up to and including Easter Sunday. Simply mark your offering envelope “YBH”. Cheques are payable to Central United Church. Coin is also accepted – just drop it down the “pipe” in the narthex. This Sunday a representative from Yellow Brick House will speak to us during the service and will be available to answer any questions you may have after the service. SUNDAY EVENING LENTEN SERVICES Markham-Unionville Ministerial "Discipleship - Our Walk With God" Listed below are the Lenten Services taking place over the next several Sunday evenings at 7:00 pm as we join together in preparing for Easter. March 15th St. Philip's-on-the-Hill Anglican 9400 Kennedy Rd., Unionville "The Mark of Discipleship" Rev. Peter Ma March 22nd Wideman Mennonite Church 10530 Highway 48, Markham "The Way of Discipleship" Rev. Katherine Selby March 29th Rhenish Church of Canada 2667 Bur Oak Ave., Markham "The Mandate of Discipleship" Rev. Canon Nicole Skinner COMMUNION SERVERS Communion Servers are needed for the following dates: Palm Sunday - April 5th, Maundy Thursday - April 9th and Easter Sunday - April 12th. Sign up sheets are posted on the bulletin board if you are able to help out. STAY CONNECTED.... We want to help you stay connected so if you happen to be wondering "who's doing what" in terms of duties, the list for this week is below.... March 15, 2020 LAY WORSHIP LEADER: Peter Miasek GOSPEL READER: Sharon Gayman Laird (John 4:5-42) POWER POINT: Mark Ono GREETER: Anne Wong WORSHIP HOST: Brian Wong SUNDAY SCHOOL: Cheryl Neave and Ed Rourke COFFEE HOUR: Ron Wyse & Small Group Scripture Readings.... If you are interested in reading ahead a little, below are the readings for next week..... March 22, 2020 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Psalm 23 Ephesians 5:8-14 John 9:1-41