Sept. 29, 2024
Our guest minister this Sunday will be Rev. Dr. Orville James. Rev. James was born in Ottawa, educated at Queen’s and Princeton, and ordained in 1978. He has served United Churches in New Brunswick and S. Ontario, and a Methodist Church in Maine. He has also done 2 ‘exchanges’ with the British Methodist Church, serving congregations in Wales and England.
Before retirement Orville served Wellington Square United in Burlington, Ontario for 23 years. Following retirement he moved to Kitchener (to be close to family – with 2 grandsons, ages 5 & 7)
He now considers himself a ‘free-agent for Jesus’ and is enjoying supporting the next generation of ministers, and playing with six grandchildren spread from Vancouver to London, U.K.
He is hopefully eager that the church will continue to find ways to reach spiritually hungry Canadians; And… he remains confident that a Canadian team will win the Stanley Cup once more in his lifetime!
Central United Church welcomes you to join our Worship Service Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. In worship we proclaim our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour; God’s word is read and preached, sacraments celebrated, faith sung and prayers offered.
Sunday services are also livestreamed (and recorded) through the Church website or you can join here. A copy of the bulletin for this Sunday’s Service is attached here.
This Sunday’s Scripture readings are Acts 4:32-37, 5:1-11 and Luke 18:18, 22-23. You can also find a daily scripture message at the top of our website.
You are welcome to join the Thursday prayer meeting tonight at 7:00 PM for a time of prayer and fellowship. The meeting is held using Zoom technology.
Here are the details for those who wish to participate:
Access to Join from your PC, Tablet or Smartphone:
Copy this address into your web browser or click here
Quick access by phone:
1. Call: 647 374-4685
2. When prompted press: 892 545 8525 #
3. Then when prompted again press: # to enter the call
SAMARITAN’S PURSE – Christmas Shoebox
This year we will once again be participating in the Samaritan’s Purse initiative as one of our Christmas Outreach events. You can participate by packaging a shoebox yourself or if you’d prefer Samaritan’s Purse to pack a box for you, you can do so with a $44.00 donation, just visit their website here. They also ask for a $12.00 donation per box which is applied towards collection, processing and international shipping.
Sunday, Oct. 6th is the official start date of the initiative and it runs for six weeks ending Sunday, November 17th. Shoeboxes, brochures and shopping lists are now available for pick up Sundays after church service or during the week. The church office is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings.
Let’s support this great initiative again this year to bring joy to a needy child. What a wonderful way to share Jesus’ love.
Offerings normally slow down in the summer and this summer was no exception. YTD through August, our offerings were ~$12,000 behind our YTD Budget, and ~$3000 below last year at this time. Expenses continue to be well managed with Total Operating Expenses (excluding Strategic Initiatives) ~$12,000 better than budget.
We will also spend close to $50,000 in 2024 on capital improvements – Security system, sanctuary lighting etc. to keep our property safe and updated. We were fortunate to receive a $20,000 grant from the Ontario Government for the security system and cameras.
Bottom-line, when we include Strategic Initiatives, our YTD deficit is
-$70,000 versus a budgeted deficit of -$86,000. This means we are using investment income (non-offerings) to cover this shortfall.
Please continue to monitor your offerings as we move into the fall/winter and our largest giving months. As we say on the Finance Committee, its good to give more and give consistently!
Thanks for your continuing contributions of Time, Talent and Monies to support our Church and its Mission.
Join us for an enriching 7-week small group study of The Beatitudes, taking place from October 14 to November 30! This series will delve into the profound teachings of Jesus, exploring who the blessed people are and what the blessed life truly looks like in God’s Kingdom. Each session, led by small group leaders, includes video content, personal reflection, discussion and sharing. With multiple locations and times available throughout the week, there’s a group that fits your schedule. Whether you’re new to the Beatitudes or seeking a deeper understanding, this study offers a unique opportunity to grow in faith and community. Don’t miss out on this chance to explore the heart of the Gospel and discover the blessings that await. Sign up in the Narthex on Sunday, or click here.
Friday, Nov. 22, 2024 – 7:00 am
Angus Glen Golf Course
The Markham Prayer Breakfast is a time for the community of Markham to gather for Breakfast and pray for our community leaders. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Peter Chu, General/Trauma Surgeon and Adjunct Professor at Tyndale Seminary and Vocalist Jonathan Michael, cantor at St. Margaret of Scotland Parish will provide music. A table has been purchased for our Church, tickets are $45 each, to secure a place at the table, please contact Ruth Duffield
Should you become aware of any illness, bereavement, hospitalization, etc., among people of our church, please notify the church office as soon as possible.
We want to help you stay connected so if you happen to be wondering “who’s doing what” in terms of duties, the list for this week is below….
September 29th 2024
MUSIC: Sarah Wyse
GREETER: Cynthia Yee
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Sharon Gayman Laird