Advent and Weekly News – December 3, 2017

This Sunday, December 3rd, marks the first Sunday of Advent and there will be many activities and opportunities for worship during this Advent season here at Central United. Please be sure to read all the details in the attached announcements. We draw your particular attention to two important items:

1. Friday, December 1st is the Unionville “Olde Tyme Christmas Parade” and we will host a Carol Sing and Refreshments back here at the church for our community. Please come (by 7 p.m.) and be part of the fun and help show others what a wonderful place Central is!

2. Sunday, December 3rd will include a Soup Lunch after our Advent I worship service (with Communion). Be sure to join us for fun, food and fellowship. (We still need a few more crockpots of soups – just let me know if you can help out!)

And here is a reminder for those on duty for Sunday. We thank all of you for your service to your church:

Worship Host: Martha Stirling
Greeters: Julie Hewitt & Lesley Lipinski
Worship Visuals: Henry Wong
Lay Worship Leader: Marjorie Wetmore
Gospel Reader: Alastair McCallum
Sunday School Leader: Pam Scarrow

If you find you are not able to fulfil your duties, please arrange with another church member to fill your spot.

Click here to download this week’s news

Sally Sandiford