Here are your weekly announcements. You will note that this Sunday, December 10th is White Gift Sunday and you are encouraged to support our local food bank with your unwrapped gifts of non-perishable food items, to be presented during the Children’s Time of the worship service. For those wishing to make a cash donation, “White Gift” envelopes will be available.
Also, we remind you that tonight is our Annual Comfort Service at 7:30 p.m. All who find Christmas difficult due to life changes, the absence of loved ones, loneliness or sadness, are welcome to attend this quiet service of reflection and meditation.
And here is a reminder for those on duty for Sunday. We thank all of you for your service to your church:
Worship Host: Marjorie Wetmore
Greeters: Peter & Ellena Chang
Worship Visuals: Sean Wyse
Lay Worship Leader: Ron Wyse
Gospel Reader: Debbie Mewhiney
Sunday School Leader: Karen Hauth
Coffee Hosts: Pam Scarrow’s Small Group
If you find you are not able to fulfil your duties, please arrange with another church member to fill your spot.
Click here to download this week’s news
Sally Sandiford