CUC Strategy Implementation
Communique No. 2
The 5 Year Strategic Plan of Central United Church (the “Strategic Plan”) was unanimously approved by the Congregation at a special Congregational meeting in September, 2023 and a Strategic Plans Implementation Team was appointed in October to oversee the successful execution of the Strategic Plan. The Team is currently composed of Trevlyn Ganes, Chair, Mark Ono, Scott Wetmore, Rev. Dr. Jim Clubine and Christina Ng, ex-officio with Doug Stirling participating in an Advisory role in order to provide continuity to the Strategic Plan.
By clicking the link here, you will find Communique No. 2, which will provide you with an update on the progress of our strategic planning initiatives. It will outline our strategic initiatives for 2024, advise what has happened so far with the Stategic Plan implementation and offers suggestions on what you can do to help.