Donate to
Thank you for giving to Central United Church in Unionville. Your donation helps our church continue to grow and be a thriving part of this community. Tax receipts will be issued in January for annual donations greater than $25.
Our Charitable Registration Number: 130828254RR0001
Donate by PAR
(pre-authorized remittance)
PAR is a convenient way to make a monthly donation via a pre-authorized withdrawal from your bank account. If you would like to donate by PAR, please provide your contact information below, and our representative from the finance team will contact you for your banking information.
Interac E-Transfer
From your Bank app or website you can send an e-transfer to Please provide your Name, Address, and where your contribution should be allocated (i.e., Local Church Expenses, Capital Fund, Community Outreach, Other – please specify) in the message field.
Traditional Way
You can leave your donation in the offering box at church or mail it to the church office:
Central United Church
131 Main St Unionville,
Markham, ON L3R 2G3.
Online Donation
Donate through our Canada Helps Donation link. Your tax receipt will come directly from Canada Helps.