Summer is here and I hope all of you can enjoy a calmer pace and enjoy more time outdoors. Typically, we only produce one bulletin for each of the months of July and August so I have attached July’s version for your information. Please note that I will not be sending out weekly email blasts this month unless there is important news to share. I will however send an email to those who are on “duty” for Sunday mornings.
And here is a special announcement, relative to a meeting happening next week:
VISITATION & PASTORAL CARE INITIATIVE…In the month of May, we announced an exciting new initiative to rejuvenate, expand and grow our Visitation and Pastoral Care program. We held an initial meeting of the group of dedicated individuals mentioned below in early May and received the input that visitation and pastoral care was very important to our church community. As well, there was excitement about the prospect of growing the number of people involved and expanding the program. Since the initial meeting, a smaller group of individuals (Martha Stirling, John Frotten, Scott Wetmore and Dr. Rev. Jim Clubine) met on two occasions to flesh out the program in a little more detail and plan our next steps. We have been working on the development of a “mission statement”, or more simply put, our objectives and who we want to visit/connect with, an orientation (training) session, some structure around how the program might work and a general discussion of our recruitment and communication strategies. We believe we have developed an excellent framework for the program and are planning expanded visitation and pastoral care activities beginning in the fall. However, we would like to obtain further thoughts on what we have planned. If you are interested in getting involved with this initiative or are just interested in listening to our thinking to date, you are most welcome to attend a meeting of the group to be held at the Church on Tuesday, July 5, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Attending this meeting does not obligate anyone to be involved with visitation or other pastoral care activities in the future – your feedback will be truly valued by the group. Please let Sally Sandiford know by email or in person if you can attend. Your Visitation & Pastoral Care Team – Rev. Dr. Jim Clubine, Rev. Karl Burden, Martha Stirling, Mary Cullen, Ken Barnett, Jean Cuthbertson, Shirley Thomson, John Frotten, Glen MacSween, Joan Wilson, Karen Coll, Linda Patterson, Ward & Marian Hann, Scott Wetmore
And a reminder for those on duty for this Sunday, July 3rd. We thank all of you for your service to your church:
Worship Host: Doug Carson
Greeters: Ward & Marian Hann
Worship Visuals: Christopher Laird
Lay Worship Leader: Ron Wyse
Lemonade Hosts: Volunteer needed!
If you find you are not able to fulfil your duties, please arrange with another church member to fill your spot.
Click here to download July’s news
Sally Sandiford