Being the summertime, there is one set of announcements for the month of July. A few notes:
- The Golf and Dine event last Sunday was a great event for all! Thanks go to all who attended, those who donated prizes and the hole sponsors. Special thanks to Mark Ono who worked very hard organizing this event, making sure we all had a wonderful time. Be sure to check out the photo board in the church narthex – thanks to Norm Myles for taking the pictures. An added bonus: the event raised enough funds to buy 22 bed kits for Sleeping Children Around the World!! Wow! Thanks to all!
- This Sunday (July 12th) marks the first in a series of “Taste of Choir” where any interested in trying out the church choir are invited to come early to rehearse with Sarah before service (at 8:45 a.m.). All voices are welcome and we hope you will give it a try!
- The Bereavement Circle grief support group is continuing with their next meeting scheduled for Friday, August 7th at 2 p.m. All are welcome to join this group at any time.
- We will celebrate the Sacrament of Communion this Sunday. Christopher Laird has volunteered to serve; however, we need five additional servers. Please volunteer – just send me a quick email prior to Sunday morning, please and thank you.
And here is a reminder for those on duty for other tasks on Sunday. We thank all of you for your service to your church:
Worship Host: Peter Chang
Greeters: Ed Rourke and Cheryl Neave
Worship Visuals: Serag Gadelrab
Lay Worship Leader: Scott Wetmore
Sunday School Leader: Sharon Gayman Laird
Lemonade Hosts: Ward & Marian Hann
Click here to download the July news
Sally Sandiford