As we continue to walk through Holy Week, we remind you of the worship opportunities here at Central. I do hope you will join us:
Maundy Thursday (tonight!)
Held at 7:30 p.m. includes the Sacrament of Communion.
Good Friday (tomorrow!)
Held at 10:00 a.m. as we read Mark’s gospel account of the trials and crucifixion of Jesus.
Easter Sunday – Christ is Risen!
Sunrise Service at 8:00 a.m. with the Sacrament of Communion, followed by a light breakfast in the church kitchen AND Celebration Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. with the Sacrament of Communion and the singing of the Hallelujah Chorus!
And here is a reminder for those on duty for Sunday. I thank all of you for your service to your church:
Worship Host: Brian Randall
Greeters: Beverley & Charlie Deacon
Worship Visuals: Henry Wong
Lay Worship Leader: Cheryl Neave
Gospel Reader: Perry Stover
Communion Servers: Christopher Laird, Doug Stirling, Martha Stirling, Barb Davies, Joan Hubbert and one more volunteer please
Sunday School Leader: Mark Ono, Pam Scarrow and Karen Hauth
Coffee Hosts: Jim & Valerie Clubine’s Small Group
(If you find you are not able to fulfil your duties, please arrange with another church member to fill your spot.)
Click here to download this week’s news
Sally Sandiford