Here are the weekly announcements for your reading pleasure!
This Sunday is our annual Advent 3 musical presentation and it is hoped that many of you will attend to enjoy this special Christmas blessing presented by Sarah Wyse and the choir. And a special note about Sunday School – there will be a full program for your children downstairs during the entire service, i.e. beginning at 10 a.m.
This Sunday also marks the final day for donations to our mitten tree (for items for ALL ages as per the item in the enclosed announcements) and for cash donations to the Stuff a Duffle project.
And here is a reminder for those on duty for Sunday. We thank all of you for your service to your church:
Worship Host: Bob Davies
Greeters: Doug Stirling & Dennis Seeley
Worship Visuals: Sharon Gayman Laird
Sunday School Leader: Mark & Pat Ono
Coffee Hosts: Church Council
If you find you are not able to fulfil your duties, please arrange with another church member to fill your spot.
Click here to download this week’s news
Sally Sandiford