News for the Week of December 7, 2014

Here are your weekly church announcements.  Be sure to read about all the happenings at Central this busy Advent season!  A couple of highlights:

  1. Tomorrow is the Annual Unionville Parade and all are invited to join us as we parade down Main Street to the church (for hot chocolate and cookies and some carol singing).  We will meet in front of the Varley Art Gallery at 6:40 p.m. In keeping with the theme of our upcoming 175th Anniversary, please wear old-fashioned clothing if you can.  (Please note Main Street will be closed to traffic from Library Lane to Station Lane after 5:30 p.m.)
  1. Sunday is White Gift Sunday and your cash gifts or unwrapped food items are most appreciated.  They will be received during the service.  This will be a Sunday School/youth led service with a very special children’s time/family time with some surprises.  Families are encouraged to attend. Coffee Hour will follow in the narthex.
  1. Our Annual Comfort Service, for those who find Christmas difficult, will be Sunday evening at 7 p.m. Feel free to invite friends and family who would benefit from such a service.

AND the folks scheduled to serve this Sunday are:

Greeters: Ron & Sue Gordon
Worship Host: Kathy Hoy
Worship Visuals: Mark Ono
Lay Worship Leader: Family Service Team
Gospel Reader: Jack Fortnum

(If you find you are not able to fulfil your duties, please arrange with another church member to fill your spot.)

Click here to download this week’s news

Sally Sandiford