News for the Week of January 31, 2016

Here are your weekly announcements – happy reading! Remember that this Sunday is our Annual General Meeting so I do hope many of you can attend. We will host a soup lunch right after the worship service and then continue with the meeting in the Main Hall.

We sent an email earlier this week about the funeral service for Marjorie Gayman (today at Central at 2 p.m. with visitation beginning at 1 p.m.) and about the service for Olive Graham (on February 6th). Olive’s obituary is now available at

And here is a reminder for those on duty for Sunday. We thank all of you for your service to your church:

Worship Host: Peter Seidler
Greeters: Barb Davies & Gail Heritage
Worship Visuals: Bill Bryans
Lay Worship Leader: Scott Wetmore
Gospel Reader: Sally Sandiford
Sunday School Leader: Pam Scarrow
Nursery Care: Fiona Scarrow

Click here to download this week’s news

Sally Sandiford