News for the Week of June 4, 2017

Here are your weekly announcements – happy reading!

Important! This is Unionville Festival Weekend and Central will be “OPEN” as usual, although portions of Main Street will be closed both Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

We draw your attention to two special items:

  • We are hosting an open house on Saturday and would love to have many of you help host sometime during the day, as we showcase our beautiful sanctuary and promote our church. Please do stop by and lend a hand, thank you! (A small portion of Main Street will be open from Highway 7 to Euclid Street at the conclusion of the morning parade.)
  • It is Pentecost on Sunday and we will hold our 10 a.m. worship service as usual (indoors) with the Sacrament of Communion. Many of you will need to take a different route to church as access to our parking lot is available from Highway 7 ONLY, and only after 9 a.m. (due to an early morning community run). You may see “road closed” signs, however, we have been assured of full access to our parking lot at this time. (The street will be closed north of the church all day.)

And here is a reminder for those on duty for Sunday. We thank all of you for your service to your church:

Worship Host: Peter Seidler
Greeters: Karen Hauth & Kathy Hoy
Worship Visuals: Pam Scarrow
Lay Worship Leader: Scott Wetmore
Gospel Reader: Alastair McCallum
Sunday School Leader: Karen Hauth
Lemonade Hosts: Judy MacSween
If you find you are not able to fulfil your duties, please arrange with another church member to fill your spot.

Click here to download this week’s news

Sally Sandiford