News for the Week of June 7, 2015

We remind you that Unionville Festival is this weekend and do hope that many of you will attend the activities on Saturday at the church as well as our Sunday morning worship service, held as usual at 10 a.m. in our church sanctuary.  Please note that Main Street will be closed for most of the weekend; however, we will have vehicle use of our parking lot on Sunday with access limited to entry from the south (i.e. via Hwy. 7).  There is a 5 km. “Run” on Main Street on Sunday morning but the organizers have assured us “local” access for those coming to church after 9 a.m.

And for our seniors of all ages, we draw your special attention to our Seniors’ Luncheon on June 25th.  This event is always a wonderful treat with a delicious home cooked meal and we encourage all of you to attend.  Just sign up at the church or let Sally know and she will be happy to put your name(s) down.

And here is a reminder for those on duty for Sunday.  We thank all of you for your service to your church:

Worship Host:  Terry Simpson
Greeters:  Randy & Nancy Holmes
Worship Visuals:  Sharon Gayman Laird
Lay Worship Leader:   Scott Wetmore
Gospel Reader:  Valerie Clubine
Lemonade Host:  Kathy Hoy

If you find you are not able to fulfil your duties, please arrange with another church member to fill your spot.
Click here to download this week’s news

Sally Sandiford