Here are your weekly announcements – happy reading! A couple of highlights:
1. Our annual roast beef dinner is set for April 23rd and tickets are now available. Be sure to get yours on Sunday (or through the week from Sally) and invite your family and friends to this very popular event.
2. Holy Week begins in just over 2 weeks and there are many opportunities for worship, as outlined in the bulletin. (Our choir has been working hard getting ready with special music. You won’t want to miss the Tenebrae Service on Maundy Thursday!)
3. We enjoyed a guest speaker last week from 360 Kids, our Lenten project this year. There is still time to contribute to this outreach endeavour – just mark your envelope “360”.
Here is a reminder for those on duty for Sunday. We thank all of you for your service to your church:
Worship Host: Charlie Deacon
Greeters: Henry Wong & Cynthia Yee
Worship Visuals: Alastair McCallum
Lay Worship Leader: Marilyn Patterson
Gospel Reader: Doug Stirling
Sunday School Leader: Carol-Ann Freeman
Nursery Care: Megan/Kaitlyn Moore
Coffee Hosts: Linda Patterson’s small group
If you find you are not able to fulfill your duties, please arrange with another church member to fill your spot.
Click here to download this week’s news
Sally Sandiford