News for the Week of October 2, 2016

Here are your weekly announcements. We are becoming a very busy church with lots of activities coming up so be sure to read through the attached “announcements” file.

Of special interest is our church membership in Right Now Media; a video resource for continuation of your studies.  You can learn more by clicking here.

Secondly, we have commenced our Invest in Your Faith campaign, which you can read more about by clicking here.  Special offering envelopes are available at the church.

Thirdly, as announced from the pulpit last Sunday, longtime Unionville resident and church member, Noreen Bauer, passed away last Friday. Rev. Karl Burden will lead a celebration of life service at Chapel Ridge Funeral Home on Friday at 1 p.m.

Fourthly, this Sunday is World Communion Sunday and Rev. Karl Burden will lead the service for us with Mark Cullen delivering the sermon. It promises to be a great service so I do hope many of you will join us!

And here is a reminder for those on duty for Sunday. We thank all of you for your service to your church:

Worship Host: Marion McCallum
Greeters: Brian & Lynn Randall
Worship Visuals: Alastair McCallum
Gospel Reader: Joan Hubbert
Communion Servers: Brian & Anne Wong, Henry Wong & Cynthia Yee
Sunday School Leader: Carol-Ann Freeman
Coffee Hosts: Small Group Committee

If you find you are not able to fulfil your duties, please arrange with another church member to fill your spot.

Click here to download this week’s news

Sally Sandiford