Nominations for the CUC Pastoral Search Committee



To all of the Congregants of Central United Church,

As announced at the Sunday Service we are now initiating the process of the Pastoral Search Committee.


The search for the next Senior Minister of Worship and Pastoral Care is one of the most important actions for the future of our Congregation. As we seek to identify God’s candidate for the position it is time to identify our candidates for the Pastoral Search Committee. 


Here is the process for nominations that our Council has established for the selection of the Search Committee.

  • Individuals within the congregation, whether members or adherents, may nominate themselves for consideration for the Pastoral Search Committee.
  • Also, members may identify and nominate other members for consideration, though the person nominated will be asked to confirm their willingness to serve.
  • People are to identify themselves or be identified to one of:
  • Doug Stirling at or 416-452-4807
  • Scott Wetmore at or 416-587-0496
  • Randy Holmes at or 416-726-9407
  • Doug, Scott and Randy are also available to discuss the role, the commitment that is expected to be required, and the process to be followed.
  • Potential nominees are to be brought forward to Doug, Scott or Randy by Sunday, January 28.
  • The names of the nominees will be brought to a meeting of the Council for a vote to identify 5 or 7 people for the committee.
  • The Pastoral Search Committee will then be formed, will meet with the Shining Waters Regional Council representative, and determine who within the Committee will fill the various roles of the Committee. For example, the Chair and the Secretary roles will be required. The Committee will establish its process and timing for the work and get underway.
  • The Committee will conduct its work in strict confidence and will provide periodic updates to the Congregation on where the Committee is in the process.

Please pray for the establishment of this Committee, and if you would like more information, to be a nominee or if you would like to nominate someone for the Committee please reach out to Doug, Scott or Randy right away.