On Simeon and Anna

December 28, 2014
Bible Text: Isaiah 61:10-62:3, Psalm 148, Galatians 4:4-7, Luke 2:22-40 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. James Clubine | Series: 2014 Sermons Please Note: Regrettably, there is no audio available for this sermon.…

He Will Be Great

December 21, 2014
Bible Text: 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16, Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26, Romans 16:25-27, Luke 1:26-38 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. James Clubine | Series: 2014 Sermons He will be great, and will be…
Bible Text: Isaiah 40:1-11, Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13, 2 Peter 3:8-15a, Mark 1:1-18 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. James Clubine | Series: 2014 Sermons The beginning of the good news of Jesus…

On Being Watchful

November 30, 2014
Bible Text: Isaiah 64:1-9, Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19, 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, Mark 13:24-37 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. James Clubine | Series: 2014 Sermons Therefore, keep awake—for you do not know when…
Bible Text: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24, Psalm 100, Ephesians 1:15-23, Matthew 25:31-46 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. James Clubine | Series: 2014 Sermons And he has put all things under his feet…
Bible Text: Judges 4:1-10, Psalm 123, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Matthew 25:14-30 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. James Clubine | Series: 2014 Sermons For God has destined us not for wrath but…
Bible Text: Joshua 3:7-17, Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37, Romans 1:18-25, Matthew 23:1-12 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. James Clubine | Series: 2014 Sermons Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of…